'She has no appetite': Myleene Klass' dramatic weight loss leaves friends and family worried about her health

By J J Anisiobi

Myleene Klass has worried her family with the dramatic weight loss she has suffered since splitting with husband Graham Quinn.

The 34-year-old is said to be both humiliated and heartbroken after her estranged husband walked out on her on her birthday, this year.

According to close friends and family, Myleene has no appetite and is constantly feeling tired from all the strain of the impending divorce.

Struggling: Myleene Klass, pictured last weekend, has reportedly had no appetite since her husband Graham Quinn walked out on her

A source told the Sunday Mirror: 'People were continually going up to Myleene and asking her what her diet secret is and how she’s got her bikini body back in shape.

'Until last week she laughed it off but the truth is she has no appetite.'

They added to the newspaper: 'She’s lost a lot of weight quickly and everyone’s worried. She looks shattered constantly, but she’s desperate to hold things together for the kids.'

Her mother Magdalena and sister Jessie are reportedly frightened that Myleene won't be able to cope with the mental pressure of the divorce, and they fear it will turn ugly.

Heartbroken: Myleene is said to have told a friend she cannot believe her marriage is over

The TV star has been putting on a brave face and has tried to stay strong for the sake of her daughters, Ava, four and Hero, 15 months, but she has been surviving on very little sleep.

Graham, who Myleene calls Gray, left her shell shocked when he left her on April 6 and with the pain still fresh, Klass has decided to sell their £3.2million north London home.

The former Hear'Say member has pulled out of performing at the wedding of friends Rochelle Wiseman and Marvin Humes, because Gray is certain to be there as an usher.

While Gray has only seen his children twice since he left the family home, he has since been in touch asking to meet them.

Myleene is said to be staying at a friend's home in London with her children, and last weekend she pulled herself together to host a Jubilee concert in Hyde Park.

Happy face: Myleene put on a good show at the Jubille Family Festival, at London's Hyde Park, last weekend

She was seen with her daughters who appeared to be blissfully unaware of their mother's pain.

'Myleene still can’t take it all in,' the friend told the Daily Mail. 'Graham came home that night, packed his things and said he was off and that the marriage was over.

'Myleene begged him to stay – she thought there must be a way they could make it work.'

It appears that Graham's departure wasn't a spur of the moment decision and he already had a new flat lined up.

A source said: ‘When Graham left, Myleene thought he would be staying with friends. Then she found out he had bought a flat. You can’t just buy property in a few days – so he must have been planning his departure for months, which makes Myleene feel sick.’

In happier times: Myleene and Graham married in October last year but he walked out just six months later

The pair met 2001 when Quinn was a bodyguard for pop group Hear'Say which Myleene was part of.

However they split when it emerged that Mr Quinn had jumped bail after being arrested for heroin possession in Ireland.

Although the couple became engaged in 2005 they didn't marry until last October in a ceremony with just 16 guests.


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